How to prepare a bar/line combo chart?
Step 1; Click on "Create", then "Chart View";
Step 2; Select the data table that the chart will be derived from.
Step 3; Drag the month on to the X-Axis and select "month" if you want to report the data by month;
Step 4; Drag the data fields on to the Y-Axis and select the data format (eg, sum, running total, average etc);
Step 5; Apply filter if required. Eg, only report "Income" accounts as per below;
Step 6; Apply user filter if required. Eg, only allow user to report on specific income accounts, or include a date filter. Note you can also apply filters to ALL charts within a dashboard when you prepare the dashboards. Refer to
Chart Modifications for more information on filtering.
Step 7; Click on "Click here to Generate graph"
Step 8; You can merge axis, change account type and click on the settings icon to customise the chart. Visit
Chart Modifications for more information.
How to prepare a pie chart?
Follow the same steps as above, except the X-Axis and Y-Axis are different. In the example below, a pie chart will be generated to show the actual value by account name. We have applied a filter for so that only the income accounts will be included.
To edit the pie chart, click on the setting icon which is located in the top right corner.
How to prepare a line chart to trend multiple accounts?
Follow the same steps as above, except the X-Axis and Y-Axis are different. In the example below, we have applied a filter to trend the income accounts only. Note that you can only have 1 field in the Y-Axis and the "Colour" represents the data you want to trend (which will show in the legend).
Advanced Charting
There are other charts that can be prepared including Geo-maps and Heat-maps. For more information on charting, visit the
Zoho Help centre.