Apart from Labour Costs, you also project Direct Costs and Overhead Expenses.
Before entering Expenses, you must ensure the accounts have been mapped under
Chart of Accounts.
How do I project expenses?
Under Profit and Loss, you enter the monthly value and use the
Copy Across feature to copy the value for future months. In the example below, "Accounts & Audit" is $2,000 in July which has been copied to future months by double clicking on the value.
How do I project expenses as a % of Income?
If you would like to calculate the cost as a % of income, there are 2 options;
- Double Click on the account and enter the % and account name.
- Use Calculations to enter the costs as a % of multiple accounts.
This will project the cost from the Projection Start Month. If you wish to change the calculation throughout the year, change the Projection Start Month and re-do the calculation and it will apply the changes from that month.
If you have projected an expense based on a % of income and you want to revert to manual entry, double click on the account and remove the % calculation (ie make the cell blank)
Why can't I edit a projected expense?
If the expense is "greyed out" it means it is a derived account which can't be edited. A derived account may include;
- An account that's been calculated as a % of income
- A divisional account; if there are divisions and the account has been associated to a division, you can't edit the value at the "All Divisions" level. You must update the value at the Divisional level.