How to add employee in Magnifi

Add/Delete/Import Employees

How do I import employees from Xero?

Under "Labour Drivers - Employees", there is an option to "Import Employees". After clicking on this button, select Xero, enter your Xero credentials and the employee data will be imported in Magnifi. It will not import until you review/confirm the data and click Save.

Some points to note when reviewing the employee data;
  • Any changes to employee details will appear in Green.
  • Any terminated employees will appear in Orange.
  • Magnifi will match the employee based on the Employee name
  • If you do not wish to import an employee, click on the x symbol
  • More details appear in the employee drop down, including employment start date and end date. 
Click here for more information the Xero integration.

It is important to review the data prior to import.

How do I add employees?

Under "Labour Drivers - Employees", click on "Add Employee" and enter the details.

To edit an employee, click on the employee's name (showing as a hyperlink) and update their details.

If you plan to recruit an employee in the future, you can enter their first name as say New, second name as their Title (eg Manager) and enter the estimated commencement date. When the employee details are know, you can then update their First and Last Name. Magnifi will match the employees based on their name.

How do I Terminate or Delete employees?

To terminate an employee, select the employees name under "Labour Drivers - Employees" (hyperlink) and enter an Employment End date. This will cease the labour cost projection as at this date.

To delete an employee, select the employees name and there is a button called "Delete Employee".

What is the Classification?

The Profit and Loss Projection will report the labour costs as either a "Direct" Cost or an "Overhead" Cost. 
      Direct Labour; Generally the direct employees are those that charge hours and are considered variable costs, meaning as income increases, labour costs are also likely to increase.

      Overhead Labour; The costs for these employees are usually fixed costs, meaning the cost will remain the same regardless of the income that is generated. Examples includes administration employees.

You can split the Direct/Overhead % if you click on the employee and then specify "custom". However we only recommend this practice if your are accounting for the employees cost on this basis, other it can result in inconsistencies with the actual v budget reporting.

How do I allocate employees to a Division?

If your organisation has projections at a divisional level, you can allocate employees across the divisions. 

To do this, click on "Division Allocation" which is located under Labour Drivers within the Employee and Gross Wage tabs.

Go to Divisions to learn more about allocating employees hours across the Divisions to project the labour cost at a divisional level.

You do not need to allocate all employees to a division. Generally a business will allocate their "Direct" employees and leave their "Overhead" employees as unallocated. The overhead employee's labour cost will still appear in the organisation projections, just not the divisional projections.

How do I import Employees from CSV?

Under Employees there is an option to "Import Employees". After clicking on this button, select CSV and there is an option to export a template. 

You do not need to import all of the fields. The important fields are Surname, First Name, Employment Status, User Type, Hours per Week, Classification and Hourly rate.