Payroll Rates

Labour Projections

After importing/adding employees, you can then progress through the tabs that appear under Labour Drivers to prepare the Gross Wage projection (including on-costs).

How to update the employees Hourly Rate and Hours per Week?

Click on the relevant tab under Labour Drivers to update the Hourly Rate or Hours per week.

In the example below, David Adams has a projected pay rise to $20/hr in October. Once it's updated in October,  you can then copy the value across to future months by double clicking on the value. The rate will appear in red if it differs to the current value.

If you want to copy the current values for all employees to all future months, click on the "Copy All" link that appears in the above screenshot.

How can you enter a project pay increase for all employees?

Under "Labour Drivers - Hourly Rate", select "Pay Increase" and enter the % to be applied to future months. 

The pay increase will be applied from the Start month so it's important you have the right month before applying the increase.

How do I enter the number of Pay Periods?

Under "Labour Drivers - Gross Wages" you can enter the Pay Frequency (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) and you can enter the # pay periods as shown below;

Weekly pay periods are automatically calculated but fortnightly pay periods need to be manually entered.

How do I enter Overtime?

Under Labour Drivers - Gross Wages, you can enter an Overtime allowance as shown below. The overtime hours are multiplied by the Overtime Multiplier.

The Overtime % is only applied to Direct Employees. 

To update the Overtime % or the Overtime multiplier, click on the default rate (shown in screenshot as hyperlink).

If you want to add overtime for administration/overhead employees, add an employee called First Name: Overtime, Last Name; Allowance and enter the projected hours/cost. 

How do I enter payroll on-costs?

Under "Labour Drivers - Gross Wages", you can enter the Employee on-costs including Annual Leave Loading, Payroll Tax, Superannuation & Workers Compensation.

You can update the rate by clicking on the default % which will then show the following pop-up;

The On-Costs are entered as an estimated %, The relevant calculations are as follows;

 - Annual Leave Loading % will default to 1.35%. This represents 17.5% of 4 weeks (4/52). This applies to all Full Time & Part Time employees and excludes Overtime.
 - Payroll Tax %; this can vary depending on the threshold, grouping and state legislation. For simplicity, you enter the projected % as a % of total Gross Wages (incl overtime)
 - Superannuation %; this applies to total Gross Wages (excl Overtime). You can apply Superannuation to Overtime and Allowances by clicking on the default rate.
 - Workers Compensation %; similar to Payroll Tax, enter the projected % as a % of total Gross Wages (incl overtime)

The on-cost projections will appear in the Profit and Loss Projection under both Direct Labour Cost and Overhead Labour Cost depending on the employees Direct Labour %.

You can amend the monthly values if needed or enter 0 if you do not want the account to be automatically projected in the profit and loss projection.